Through his artistic practice Alfeo investigates the intense relationship between human beings, nature and technology in contemporary society. His transmedia installations, sound sculptures and electronic musical compositions put the repetitiveness of mechanical-algorithmic automation systems under tension with the unpredictability of chaos. In this way, the rigid regularity of serial systems is interrupted and deconstruct from the inside, generating new configurations of meaning. Within these processes, sound acts in an organic way as a destabilizing and healing element at the same time, emerging with its irregular expressiveness. Alfeo engaged in artworks that aimed to spread an authentic vision of collaboration within humans and non-human.
Born in 1985, Molfetta, Italy
Currently living in Molfetta, Italy
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Pier Alfeo (born in 1985) is a sound and transmedia artist. His practice ranges from sound sculptures, transmedia installations, electronic music compositions, immersive audiovisual projects and visual works. Alfeo exhibited his work and performed at International events and festivals across the European countries and outside, such as Italy, France, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Cyprus, Serbia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Kenya; sharing exhibitions and stages with artists such as Cod.Act, Alice Bucknell, Quayola, Robert Henke, 1024 Architecture, Fennesz, Murcof, Rashad Becker and many others.
In 2019, he presented his first solo show “Incisione su Silenzio” at the Doppelgaenger Gallery in Bari. He was part of the artists selected for the "MakerArt" exhibition at the Maker Faire in Rome (faire of technology innovation and digital artisans) and has also been the “National Prize of Art 2019” section “Electronic Art"; for the occasion Alfeo was evaluated by an international jury composed of Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Beatrice Merz, Sergio Toffetti, Irene Dionisio and Piero Gilardi; the work was exhibited at the Accademia Albertina in Turin at the same time as FISAD 2019. In 2020 he took part in the Blooming Festival, curated by Federica Patti and Quiet Ensemble in Pergola, in the exhibition Rilevamenti 2 by Bruno Corà curated by Valentino Catricalà at the CAMUSAC | Museo Arte Contemporanea di Cassino, at the "Biennale tecnologia" (Technology Biennale) at the Polytechnic University of Turin winning the "Dynamic Display" award.
In 2023 he has been finalist for the Re:Humanism 3 Art Prize, he's been selected for the Artistic-Research Residency at the S.O.D.A. (School of Digital Arts) in Manchester organised by "Quadriennale di Roma" whereas in 2024 he attended the RE-FEST CultureHub's Festival founded by SeoulArts & La MaMa N.Y.C. and the PhEST International Festival of Photography and Art with the audio/video project LAPSE.
.education / training.
(Graduated) Electronic Music Composition, Music Informatics and Multimedia at the Conservatory “San Pietro a Majella” of Naples, (IT).
Schoolmasters: Elio Martusciello (Electroacoustic Composition), Roberto Pugliese (Multimedia)
2017 - 2022
Electronic Music Composition, Music Informatics and Multimedia at the Conservatory “N. Piccinni” of Bari, (IT).
Schoolmasters: Francesco Scagliola (Electroacoustic Composition), Roberto Pugliese (Multimedia)
Certificate in Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists at Goldsmiths University of London, via Kadenze Online Courses.
Schoolmasters: Rebecca Fiebrink
(masterclass) Certificate in “From music to sound, from sound to sonic ecology” at the Conservatory “A.Casella” of L’Aquila, (IT)
Schoolmasters: Makis Solomos
(masterclass) Certificate in “Music and technology, an always gratifying relationship” at the Conservatory “A.Casella” of L’Aquila, (IT)
Schoolmasters: Daniel Teruggi
(masterclass) Certificate in “Algorithmic Mathematical Composition” at the Conservatory “N. Piccinni” of Bari, (IT)
Schoolmasters: Reinhard Febel
(seminar) Certificate in “Acousmatic Interpretation at the Acousmonium” of SILENCE space Bari, (IT)
Schoolmasters: Franco Degrassi
Certificate in Sound technician Live/Studio at EMIT Feltrinelli Milan, (IT)
Diploma in Scientific and Technological High School of Molfetta, (IT)
.lecture / teaching.
AY 2022/2023 - 2023/2024
Professor (Multimedia) - Electronic music, new technologies and new languages at "N. Piccinni" Conservatory of Music, Bari (IT)
Field Recordings laboratory, Fondazione Mondo Digitale at PANORMUS - ZEN, Palermo (IT)
2021 / 2022
Sound and Media Art laboratory, Fondazione Mondo Digitale at Istituto Comprensivo B. Grimaldi – L. Lombardi - CEP, Bari (IT)
2020 / 2021
Sound and Media Art laboratory, Fondazione Mondo Digitale at Istituto Comprensivo B. Grimaldi – L. Lombardi - CEP, Bari
.selected pubblications / appearances.
a _ "Studio-Visit" by Chiara Pirozzi, LaQuadriennale of Rome
a _ "Art and Technology in the Third Millennium. Landscapes and Protagonists", ELECTRA, by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi and Valentino Catricalà
a _ "222 Artisti Emergenti su cui investire - 2021", EXIBART, by Silvia Conta and Cesare Biasini Selvaggi
a _ "Quando il suono si fa Arte", SMALL ZINE, by Maria Chiara Wang
a _ Produzione creativa e identità, Riflessioni sulla genesi e l'evoluzione by Luciano Marucci on JULIET Magazine
a _ Design 2030: Education, diid Disegno Industriale | Industrial Design
a _ "INTERVIEW: Pier Alfeo", ARSHAKE, by Roberto Pugliese
a _ "Suono e percezione il segno infinito del musicista Pier Alfeo", LaGazzettaDelMezzogiorno, by Livio Costarella
.solo exhibitions.
INCISIONE SU SILENZIO [22.02.19 - 22.05.19] at Doppelgaenger Gallery of Bari (IT)
.group exhibitions.
BIOMIMESI §erie: The Sakamoto's Rose for PlayDead! (II) by LikeALittleDisaster at KORA.Center, Castrignano De' Greci (IT)
LAPSE (Installation) at PhEST, Palazzo Palmieri, Monopoli (IT) [30.08.24 - 3.11.24]
OMEN at The Comunity of Compost by LikeALittleDisaster Gallery, Polignano a Mare (IT) [3.08.24 - 14.10.24]
LAPSE (Video Work) at RE-FEST 2024 / CultureHub founded by SeoulArts & La MaMa N.Y.C. [5-11.06.2024]
CIO CHE RESTA grEyscAlE Serie [2 / 7] .4 + .6 Printed on ePaper by Domenico Quaranta [03.2024]
CIO CHE RESTA at Re:Humanism Art Prize III, Rome (IT) [24.05.23 - 18.06.23]
CC.BETA at "Bait Ball" by LikeALittleDisaster Gallery, Polignano a Mare (IT) [17-19.06.2023]
CC.BETA at FRACTURAE by MA/IN Matera Intermedia Festival at Manifatture Knos, Lecce (IT) [4-5-6.11.2022]
CHAT WITH A STRANGER at "1 Metro Sotto La Metro" curated by Arianna Forte, Rome (IT) [10.12.21 - 12.12.21]
CC.BETA at Biblioteca Comunale 'Giovanni XXIII' for "DI MALE DI TERRA DI CIELO" curated by Lia De Venere, San Vito dei Normanni (IT) [6.12.2021 - 22.12.2021]
THE BLIND AGE at "Land, Water and Border" by Durjoy Bangladesh Foundation and Majhi International Art Recidency, Eindhoven (NL) [21.10.21 - 24.10.21]
INCISIONE SU SILENZIO at "Green iDeal" by Paratissima for "Biennale Tecnologia" Politecnico di Torino (IT) [12.11.20 - 15.11.20]
PRINCIPLE OF ORGANIZATION and INTERFERENCES QUARTET at CAMUSAC for Rilevamenti2, Cassino (IT) [02.10.20 - 10.01.21]
PRINCIPLE OF ORGANIZATION Installation at Blooming Festival, Numerical Arts and digital cultures, Pergola (IT) [11.09.20 - 12.09.20] alongside NONOTAK, Yasuhiro CHIDA, Maotik, Umanesimo Artificiale and more...
HOW LONG ALONE Digital Media at Art in Quarantine (Instagram) curated by Adriana Rispoli
PRINCIPLE OF ORGANIZATION Installation at PNA 2019 & FISAD 2019 [14.10.19 - 17.11.19] winner exhibition at Accademia Albertina of Turin, (IT)
INTERFERENCES QUARTET Installation at MA/IN Matera Intermedia Festival, CoMatera2019 Project of Matera (IT) alongside Cod.Act
HYPODERMIDE Installation at CONTEMPO of Conversano (IT)
.audio/video performances.
QUORUM Festival by La Quadriennale di Roma (IT) : LAPSE - Audio/Video Performance
NODE15 Festival of Frankfurt (DE) : Dubit - BALANCED - Audio/Video Show alongside Robert Henke, 1024 Architecture, Davide Quayola
LiveCinema Festival of Rome (IT) : Dubit - BALANCED - Audio/Video Show
FLUSSI Festival of Avellino (IT) : Dubit - BALANCED - Audio/Video Show
alongside Clock DVA, Demdike Stare, Fennesz + Lillevan, Roly Porter, Rashad Becker etc...
Homework Festival of Bologna (IT) : Dubit - Water Circle - Audio/Video Show
.main electronic music performances and live electronics.
Live Electronics at MA/IN Matera Intermedia Festival at Manifatture Knos, Lecce (IT)
Pier Alfeo - AS_CLAIMED Live at MUNDI Festival, Music and Innovation, Sannicandro di Bari (IT)
Pier Alfeo - Live Electronics at KLANG, Rome (IT)
MakerArt at MAKER FAIRE ROME - The European Edition - “SLAVERY OF A SHADOW” Art and Sound Performance, Rome (IT)
FLEE Project Recidency - Electronic Music Performance at Diamond Beach, Kilifi (KE)
FLEE Project Residency - Electronic Music Performance at Alliance Francaise, Nairobi (KE)
FLEE Project Recidency - Electronic Music Performance at Temple, Nairobi (KE)
MASQ Maq’ad of Sultan Qaitbey in Cairo (ET) : Dubit - OCCULTUM - INVENIES - Compositions Performance for Architectural Projection Mapping
STRANGE UMBRELLAS #20 at IKLECTIK Gallery of London (UK) : Pier Alfeo - All that fall - L’Epilogo della crisalide - The never spoken words - Compositions Performance for Audio/Video Performance
CAVO Festival of Trani (IT) : Dubit - ALCHEMISTRY - Hybrid Live Performance
VOICES (Flutes+Voice+Live Electronics) at Like a little disaster Gallery of Polignano a Mare (IT) - Live Electronics
VERSO SUD Festival of Corato (IT) : Pier Alfeo - COVARIANZE - Hybrid Live Performance
CASTEL DEI MONDI Festival of Andria (IT) : Dubit - ENVIRONMENTAL - Live Electronics alongside Mike Cooper, Fabio Orsi curated by Backwards Records
SILENCE Festival at Cittadella della Scienza of Bari (IT) : Pier Alfeo - Acousmatic Interpretation
MEDIMEX at Spazio Murat of Bari (IT) : Dubit - Electronic Music Performance curated by Backwards Records
TheRestIsNoise at “Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ” of Amsterdam (NL) : Dubit - ENVIRONMENTAL - Live Electronics alongside Murcof, Dadub
TouchDesigner Meeting at Strudio R of Berlin (DE) : Dubit - Hybrid Live Performance alongside Claudio PRC
UNUSUAL from Matteo Farolfi at Galleria del Carbone of Ferrara (IT) : Dubit - Live Electronics
.main electronic music / electroacoustic compositions.
Live Sound and Composition for “Part-Time Resistence” Contemporary Art Performance by “Nico Angiuli“ produced by MACTE, Termoli
Original Music Composition for “AMAZON DANCE” Contemporary Art Performance by “Nico Angiuli“ , EMAP, Onassis Stegi
Original Music Composition for “ANASTASIA” Contemporary Dance show by “Equilibrio Dinamico“ Dance Company
Original Music Composition for “YELLOW LIMBO” Contemporary Dance show by “Alessandra Gaeta“
Pier Alfeo - Il seme dell’astio
Pier Alfeo - The never spoken words
.main discography.
EXTRA MUROS (Compilation, Vinyl, Digital)
Pier Alfeo - CAGLIARI | Soundwalk (Digital Download)
Pier Alfeo - WORKS 2016-2018 (One-Side White Vinyl) Ricerca Sonora
Fabio Orsi / Pier Alfeo - Split (Lathe, LP, Ltd) Backwards Records
Dubit - VITRIOL (CD, Album) Backwards Records
Claudio PRC & Dubit - The Coexistence Patterns (LP, Album)
Dubit - FRAGMENTI (LP, CD, Album) Several Reasons Recordings
Dubit - BALANCED (CD, Album) Concrete Records
.finalist / selections.
Re:Humanism Art Prize III
Art Reseach Recidency by La Quadriennale of Rome at S.O.D.A. School of Digital Arts of Manchester, (UK)
ExibartPrize 2020
PNA 2019 “Premio Nazionale delle Arti” at Conservatory “A.Casella" of L'Aquila (IT)
AUDIOMANZIA at "Centro d'Arte dell'Università" of Padova, (IT)
Call _ "Green iDeal" by Paratissima, Turin (IT)
Prize _ "Dynamic Display" at Biennale Tecnologia, Turin (IT)
Call _ "BloomingYou" (Call) at Blooming Festival, Pergola (IT)
Prize _ "Electronic Arts" section, PNA 2019 “Premio Nazionale delle Arti” at Accademia Albertina of Turin (IT)
Honorary Mention _ in "Sound-Art Installations" at MA/IN Matera Intermedia Festival, CoMatera2019 Project of Matera (IT)