30 Audio/Video Loops, 4k screen, wooden sculpture, resinated dandelion, plexiglass, PC board, cool fan, led light.
200 x 100 x 100 cm
Multimedia Installation, audio reactive virtual dandelion graph structure based on granular sample instancing of buffered whiffle audio signal.
"L'intima manifestazione del sè"
OMEN presents itself as a portal between two contrasting border dimensions. The quality of “reality” hidden behind the fiction becomes an element of investigation. The work displays a series of mutant digital dandelions trapped in a virtual niche, an extension of the exhibition space, which is instead cold and aseptic like the experience it intends to simulate within it: the action of blowing the pappus of a dandelion in order to spread its seeds, that poetic expression of the most intimate manifestations of the self, a desire.
Mirror of a modern blinded society by appearance or a single-perspective vision, the screen hides behind itself a key element that only a few are led to discover. On the floor, an aquarium, in the shape of a box, bears the word “care” engraved on it, the same green box that in Machine Learning symbolizes the recognition region of a real object or element by classification and approximation.
The work suggests the importance of the individual and diversity, understood as wealth creating complexity in communities. The aquarium, which at its center frames a wooden sculpture representing a seed, hosts a community of luminescent algae, irradiating and reverberating the surrounding environment with their own light depending on their reproducibility, the healthier these algae are, the more luminescence they will give back; we will take care of them.
The hope of the work is therefore a relationship of care and cooperation towards everything that is human, non-human and environmental, in a scenario where everything that surrounds us is overwhelmed, devastated and infected.
In collaboration with:
Environmental Biology and Microbiology Analytical Unit, Multisite Laboratory in Ravenna - Arpae Emilia Romagna