Projection, Computer tower, Modem, internet connection, hydrophone from the KM3NeT - IDMAR project telescope
200 x 100 x 100 cm (scalable)
Generative audio-video intermedia installation based on Hydrophone audio-reactive system through web communication.
"The time during which something continues..."
The term “Lapse” takes on a double meaning. It can indicate a short and limited interval of time, but it can also refer to an error, a lack or absence of information or – in reference to human activity – to the temporary loss of concentration, memory or judgment.
Thanks to the collaboration with the INFN-LNS (National Institute for Nuclear Physics - Southern National Laboratories), the LAPSE.Systems platform, designed by the artist, has real-time access to the signals coming from the KM3NeT part of the IDMAR project, a very powerful submarine neutrino telescope installed off the coast of Portopalo di Capo Passero in the southernmost region of Sicily.
In particular, with the use of highly sensitive hydrophones, it is possible to detect the acoustic waves present in the Mediterranean Sea, measuring noises caused by human activities and sounds by marine ecosystems.
Focusing attention on the massive phenomenon of anthropogenic Noise Pollution - the audio/video Multimedia installation translates underwater passive acoustic signals into “digital matter” subsequently converted into musical data, generating a sound composition.
The process thus defined requires a renewal of the enjoyment of time and space, far from that condition of hyper-productivity and hyperactivity of everyday life that determines the progressive loss on the practice of listening.
Courtesy~ INFN - LNS | Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud - Coutesy~ KM3NeT
Work developed during the artistic research residency at:
SODA | School of Digital Arts in Manchester
In collaboration with:
La Quadriennale di Roma
Technology support by:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud
INFN - LNS acoustics group:
Tortosa, Di Mauro, Giorgio, Riccobene, Sanfilippo, Viola, Zito, Idrissi
Technical support by:
Alessandro Cracolici, Mario Falcone
Special thanks to:
Maria Chiara Wang, Gian Maria Tosatti, Lucrezia Longobardi, Valentino Catricalà, Luigi Battista