MakerArt [at] MAKER FAIRE ROME 2019

Rome (ENG)
Rome (ENG)
Performance: Slavery of a Shadow
The edition of the Maker Faire – The European Edition 2019 will launch the new section dedicated entirely to art, curated by Valentino Catricalà.
Art is a grand engine for raising awareness and for making an analysis of the vast changes that characterise our time. In particular, art that uses technology is not only important today for the world of culture, but for society in general. For over fifty years, artists have been experimenting, assembling and inventing new technologies. Their purpose is never the invention of technology in and of itself, but as a way to express their vision through technological experimentation, in this way, producing innovation.
More and more artists now work in research centres and scientific departments, collaborating with engineers and technicians, and more and more companies in the technology sector include artists in their production processes.
There are many themes touched on by artists who use technology and that Maker Art proposes: in particular, environmental sustainability, global warming, the relationship between man and nature, the society of the image.
We live in an age of great environmental, climatic and technological changes, an age of anxiety for the future and for our present; perhaps art can still help us to orient ourselves in this universe. Maker Art seeks to do just that, within the largest trade fair of innovation and creativity, among the countless stimuli and emotions, letting us stop for a moment to reflect.
Think of the works of Joaquin Fargas and his robot for a poetic act towards environmental sustainability; or the hysterical machines of Bill Vorn; the πton of Cod.Act; the relationship between technology- man-nature of the works of Donato Piccolo; the interactive works for the production of music by Achim Wollsheid; for the first time in Italy, the Grass Roller by Mattia Casalegno, a system of estrangement to allowing the person to be submerged by nature.
Reflection on life by Anna Frants and The Enlightened One by Elena Gubanova represent two ways of reflecting on life and on the loss of our relationship with nature. Patrick Tresset and his robots. The world of video games is also represented by the video game art of Joseph DeLappe and Biome Collective. The political parades of Federico Solmi and Giang Hoang Nguyen, in collaboration with Alan Advantage; The duo Lupa with awork produced ad hoc for the event, an analogical time machine and Aura Satz, a new sound work created with the company Bare Conductive; and Richard Geret from New York with a new piece meshing video art and soundart. Many other national and international artists, such as Pier Alfeo, Simone Pappalardo and José Angelino, Matteo Nasini, Maria Grazia Pontorno, Martin Romeo, Lino Strangis, Mat Toan, and many others for a new way of conceiving our relationship with the environment through a more ecological vision of technology.