LAPSE System
"Lapse" is a word that contains various meanings; it represents an interval, a passage of time, or a brief or temporary loss of concentration, memory or judgement. L. is an audio-visual installation conceived as a contemplative space , an alternative moment to time. The acceleration and subsequent atomization of human experience leads to the inevitable loss of the duration of things, that quality of time due only to stillness, those contemplative dimensions that move the mind and generate rituality. The visual execution of the work is entrusted to point clouds (Point Cloud generated on the basis of studies on the morphology and behavior of Plankton) in a projected virtual 3D environment, the particles react to sound signals.
Work developed during the artistic research residency at:
SODA | School of Digital Arts in Manchester,
In collaboration with:
La Quadriennale di Roma
Technical support by:
Mario Falcone
00m 00s
RE-FEST 2024 | CultureHub - SeoulArts & La MaMa N.Y.C. | South Korea 2024
PhEST 2024 | Monopoli | IT 2024
Set up
[n].1 Channels Audio System
n.1 Computer tower
INFN-LNS technology:
Hydrophone Technology DG1330
Intermedia System:
> On-line Stream > MaxMsp > M4L/Ableton Live
> TouchDesigner
Horizontal/Vertical oriented projection
[n] projection screens
[n] Laser Projectors
Stable/High Speed Internet connection
Recalling a marine aesthetic and a wave movement, they live as if on the surface of the water, like superficial organisms, without actively directing their own movement, being passively transported by currents and wave motions. The digital sediment derives from the movement and variations of the pixels that generate the sound score, a succession of sounds that look at panoramas of electroacoustic music, sounds stratifications and electroacoustic gestures that lead back and remind us to sound behaviors typical of animals that communicate by echolocation. The movement becomes the foundation of everything, it leaves a sign that is narration, which leaves no gaps.
Wolfram Mathematica: Pseudo-Plankton Model Structure
TouchDesigner: Video rendering - PointCloud manipulation - Pixels painting
MaxMsp: PixelsTOScore translation system
M4L/Ableton Live: Audio rendering - Sound Composition